Kagera Region
Source: Google Earth
To protect and preserve Kagera’s unique culture, heritage, and natural environment, which will help grow the region’s identity, self-esteem, and prosperity.
To collaborate with friends and partners across the region, nationally, and throughout Africa to ensure that our irreplaceable assets and resources do not disappear but are preserved, made accessible, and highly valued by current and future generations.
“Preserving Kagera’s heritage, culture and history is essential for carving out a prosperous sustainable future for my people and our ancestral homeland.”
Research & Education
Much about Kagera’s past still needs to be discovered, recorded and documented. We are committed to researching, preserving, and sharing facts and the stories we discover, making them accessible and relevant to everyone today. This is an ongoing activity with the people of Kagera.
New Kagera Museum!
We are planning to build a new regional museum for the Kagera region. It will be a safe place to house the precious artefacts and mementoes of our past. It will become a vibrant place where local residents and students can learn about and reconnect with who they are. Kagera’s records will also be accessible online. Fund raising is ongoing.
Contact Address
Kagera Heritage Organisation
Kashai Secondary School Street
Plot No. 3 (near: Kiroyera Tours Office)
Bukoba Heritage Site Hill
Kashai National Housing
Bukoba Municipality
Kagera Region
P.O. Box 485 BUKOBA.
Founding Members
Mrs Mary Consolata Kalikawe, Adv. Protas Ishengoma, Dr. Yusto P. Muchuruza, Mr Steven Ndibalema, Mrs Agnes Rwegasira, Mr Aaron Kalikawe, Mr. Nicolaus J. Basimaki, Mr Jason Kalemera, Miss Maria Kalemera, Mr Kagisa Kagisa, Mr Anthony Mugyabuso, Mr Jackson Gresmo, Dr. Daniel Ndagala, Ms. Wilhelmina Balyagati, Eng. Kaiza, Frolian, Mr Gerase Mugisha Kamugisha, Mr Joseph Kahama, Ms Godbertha Kinyondo, Dr Margaret Mutaleba Martin, Ms Amina Kashor, Amb. Anastase R. Rwegayura, Mr Charles Lubazibwa and Ms Gratiana Daudi Rwakibaila.
Kagera Heritage Organisation is a not-for-profit-organisation
Preserving what’s precious
We are committed to protecting Kagera’s Cultural Heritage before it’s too late and seek supporters to help us with our work.
Please get in touch today and help us make a difference in the place we call home.